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CitizenCampus Science and Society program applications open for 2019-2020!




From April 1st 2019 to April 30th 2019.                                                                                         

You have until April 30th to submit your application!                                                               

Would you like to take part in the debate on the challenges of science in society and enjoy a unique experience in addition to your studies as part of a multidisciplinary group? Join this new program in France before April 30th!


CitizenCampus is a complementary program to your studies, to train you for the debate on issues of Science and Society. It is a hands-on program to develop critical thinking skills, far from traditional lecture courses, within a group of 40 students chosen for their motivation, from all fields and sectors and at all levels of the site (UGA - Sciences Po Grenoble - Grenoble INP - ENSAG)!

The theme that will serve as a common thread for reflection and work for 2019-2020: "Citizenship, Innovation and Transitions. »

Entry requirements

The student undertakes to be present throughout the duration of the program and at the general public session, subject to authorizations of absence granted by his or her academic supervisor. The student undertakes to take part in group work, including preparatory work for the Live Session and the posters to be produced mid-term.

At the end of the program, an official university certificate will be awarded, as well as ECTS credits depending on the institution. Doctoral students may apply for credits for their participation in the program.

The program is free of charge.

Program organization

The program includes 7 sessions: 1 opening 3-day session in the last week of August, 5 2-day sessions spread throughout the academic year, and a 1-day closing session (14 days in total). These sessions take place on Fridays and Saturdays, outside of exam periods and academic breaks.

There is also a CitizenCampus Live mid-term session, during which students will give a presentation as part of a local public event.

For more information:

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