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Career Goal UAS Professorship [ONLINE]




Career Goal UAS Professorship

Friday, 15 November 2024, 15.00-17.00

Link to the conference-room

Once a semester, RWU organises the public event "Career Goal UAS Professorship" in german. In addition there will be for the second time an english version of this event with a special focus on international applicants.

Company employees, junior academics, lecturers - all are welcome.

We offer the event in online format. The language is English. Registration for online participation is not required. 

For information regarding data protection see section, please visit the webpage :


15.00  Greetings, presentation of RWU and UAS-Professorship
Prof. Dr. Michael Pfeffer, Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer

15.20  Insights into everyday work - panel discussion
Prof. Dr. Marlene Haupt (Faculty Social Work, Health and Nursing)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Stetter (Faculty Mechanical Engineering)

15.40  Break

15.50  Pathways to professorship – panel discussion
Prof. Dr. Marlene Haupt (Faculty Social Work, Health and Nursing)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Stetter (Faculty Mechanical Engineering)

16.10  Requirements and appointment procedure
Prof. Dr. Michael Pfeffer, Vice-Rektor for Research, International Affairs and Transfer

16.20  Support on the track to a professorship
Birgit Breitschmid, Project FH-Personal

16.35  Your questions

17.00  End


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