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  • Groupe par validation

Atelier carrière - Define your personal strategy to integrate higher education or academic research

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Location Maison du doctorat Jean Kuntzmann, 110 rue de la Chimie

Start date: 14 January 2025

Course ends: 14 January 2025

Registration closes: 7 January 2025

Objectives :

This workshop aims to develop a critical mind and anticipate the stages of one's career in order to succeed in competitive examinations in higher education and research.

Programme :

Presentation of the careers open to doctorate holders in higher education and research and recruitment procedures.

- Find out about the ESR professions open to doctorate holders and the competitive recruitment procedures associated with each of them, including the criteria used by the jury.

- Defining a personal strategy

- Reflection on current strengths and weaknesses in relation to the competitions targeted by the participants.

- Using a grid and questions, define a strategy for broadening your profile through additional research and/or teaching experience (ATER /post-doc; choice of laboratory and country; maturity of subject; additional responsibilities; number of publications targeted, etc.).

Teaching team :

Adoc Talent Management France

Language :



Diffusé sur : PhD en Rhône Alpes, A.D.D.U.G.A. (Association des Doctorants en Droit de l'Université Grenoble Alpes), PhD CIFRE, Doctorant.e.s et Docteur.e.s du LIDILEM, Laboratoire 3SR, Community of Mentors & Ment...

Maison du doctorat Jean Kuntzmann

110, Rue de la Chimie 38400 SAINT-MARTIN-D'HERES

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