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[#6] Dr Flore GOUAUX | Government program manager at SIEMENS




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Welcome to “Ecoute ton Doc” podcast, our goal is to reach out to previous PhD students who are now pursuing their careers in the industrial field and interviewing them to gain insight and knowledge on what it takes to build a career outside the academic field. Through posting these podcasts, we believe we can assist in offering some sense of guidance to current doctoral students who intend to explore and develop potential careers outside of public research after their thesis.

Hello PhD students, 

Bringing to you the 6th podcast session, a conversation between Kabibi C. KAMASHANJU (3rd year PhD student at EDCSV in the CIRE team of the Department of Molecular Chemistry) and Dr. Flore GOUAUX (PhD in Electronics at the "Ecole des Mines de Nantes", currently a government program manager at SIEMENS). 

In this podcast, Dr. GOUAUX shares with us her journey after PhD, from being a tutorial assistant to being a project manager in a number of successful EU projects and companies. Dr. GOUAUX talks of the importance of developing soft skills as well as the willingness to network and continuing to learn as much as one can in order to promote the growth of one’s career.

I am hoping you will learn so much from this conversation and for further information you can directly contact Dr. Flore GOUAUX through

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