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Visa for the job market 2019-2020

PhD Career Center



PhD students and recently graduated Doctors, guess what... The Doctoral College is pleased to give you the opportunity to take part in both a practical and exciting program!

This will provide you with the tools to help define your career plan, showcase your expertise, and prepare for the post-thesis period.

On the agenda:

The launch of VISA POUR L'EMPLOI 2019-2020 will take place on 24th and 25th June 2019 at the Université de Grenoble Alpes in Saint-Martin d'Hères.


Monday 24th June: the first day will be structured around a presentation of OTECI and the program, followed by presentations on businesses as part of a conference: "What is a business and how does it work?" A question and answer session will end the morning followed by a group meal.                                                                          In the afternoon, small group meetings with coaches, PhD students and recently graduated Doctors will be held at the same time as a workshop on "Defining Your Career Plan".

Tuesday 25th June: two workshops on the keys to job hunting: "Building your skill set" (in the morning) and "Social media - Personal Branding" (in the afternoon).

Program in both French and English.

Pre-requisites:                                                                                                        PhD students who are 6 months from finishing their thesis or who graduated less than 6 months ago. 

Take part in the two-day launch event, on June 24th and 25th.

Sign the agreement letter that covers the service.

More information and registration at http://bit.ly/2W6YSvv


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