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Linksium certified French Tech Seed

Valorisation scientifique



Linksium is one of 18 approved business contributors to the new €400 million French Tech Seed investment fund that supports post-maturation technology start-ups, including deep tech and start-ups that are less than 3 years old.

On January 17th, Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance in the presence of Guillaume Boudy, Secretary General for Investment and Paul-François Fournier, Executive Director of Innovation at Bpifrance announced the certification of the 18 French Tech Seed winners on the basis of four criteria.

The four criteria for French Tech Seed certification

As part of a call for expressions of interest, Linksium has demonstrated its ability to assist and select:
1. relevant business projects with strong development prospects. Linksium intends to present around fifteen startups from 2019 onwards.
2. projects whose innovative and technological nature is strong or even ground-breaking. For Linksium, this type of project constitutes the main part of its portfolio, which currently includes around 100 projects. The projects assisted by Linksium come from or are linked to one of Grenoble academy's research labs and promote technologies that are beyond state of the art and have been the subject of many years of research.
3. projects that stand out for the quality of their leaders and managers. In this respect, Linksium stands out for its ability to build or strengthen startups' founding executive teams. More than thirty CEOs, technical directors, sales and marketing directors, financial directors etc. have already joined Linksium startups.
4. projects that leverage private investment. Linksium has developed a network of seed funders and beyond. The French Tech Seed ultra-seed funding will complement and stimulate the players in funding deep tech start-ups.

Assisting deep tech startups is in their DNA

Through its positioning, Linksium selects, assists and funds maturation projects from Grenoble academy's labs, transforming them into so-called deep tech startups. To achieve this, it offers more than a dozen services including coaching, training, searching for founding partners, speed meetings with business angels and seed investment funds, co-writing business plans, etc.

A funding continuity conducive to the success of deep techs in the Grenoble Alpes ecosystem

Linksium also works closely with the Grenoble innovation ecosystem and will be able to certify startups assisted by the three competitivity clusters Minalogic, LyonBiopôle and Tenerrdis.

Finally, it will be able to count on a strategic partnership with Grenoble Angels and will work to mobilize investment opportunities in its startups from regional investment funds such as Sofimac Innovation, Kreaxi, Banque Populaire Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and national investment funds such as Innovacom, Breega, etc.
"Access to this new type of ultra-seed funding is more than a sign of recognition. It is an ideal addition for Linksium to continuously structure the funding strategy of our startups and accelerate implementation. »

Gilles Talbotier, President of Linksium

More on Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes.

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