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An Escape game to welcome Université Grenoble Alpes PhD students




The Université Grenoble Alpes held its first PhD student welcome day on Friday, January 24th 2020. Its aim was twofold: for the students to discover all the services available to them and to get to know each other. It took the form of an escape game/treasure hunt with teams made up of national and international PhD students. Students in their first year in Grenoble particularly appreciated this event.

200 PhD students signed up to discover a range of services, from registration to thesis defense, offered by the Doctoral College, the doctoral schools and other key Université Grenoble Alpes and Crous actors.

Using the fun and original format of an escape game/treasure hunt, each group of PhD students, randomly composed of national and international students, had to solve the riddles found in each of 11 thematic hubs: health, culture, sport, university libraries, social support, practical life, elected PhD students, international, promotion and career, education and PhD studies.

It was also an opportunity for PhD students to meet the highly committed staff of the various university departments as well as each other.
PhD students from outside Grenoble, and even more so from abroad, particularly appreciated this opportunity. For Maguy, Lebanese, "we have realized that there are services we didn't expect and we have been introduced to these essential contacts". For Victor and Kevin, Parisians, "it's great, it creates a network, cohesion. It should definitely be held again for future PhD students, and even for other events.”

The teams then got together to solve the overall riddle in the form of a saying "Université Grenoble Alpes PhD alumni: count on others, count for others" and were then welcomed into the PhD alumni family.

Denis Jongmans, dean of the Doctoral College, concluded the event with these words: "You can count on us to support you as best we can during your PhD studies, but we are also counting on you to help develop the Maison du Doctorat, which should see the light of day in the coming months." The Doctoral College, its services and the Doctoral Schools will be grouped together in this Maison du Doctorat. It will be located in the center of the campus and will offer a social space for PhD students, a lecture hall for thesis defense and jury meeting rooms. Great prospects for PhD studies and students at Université Grenoble Alpes.

The afternoon was reserved for doctoral schools, eight of which were also holding their welcome day: EEATS, ISCE, MSTII, PHYS, SE, SG, SHPT, SJ.

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