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3rd PRIDE Annual Conference, 5/6 May 2021, online




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Dear members of the PRIDE community,

today we are more than happy to tell you, that the registration for the 3rd PRIDE Annual Conference was launched and we are finally online.  

On May 5th/6th 2021 we will talk about the topic "Giving a voice to professionals in doctoral education – how do we communicate and position ourselves?". Speakers from many different backgrounds will share their experiences and give you the opportunity to open discussions in Q&A sessions right after their presentations.

  • Åse Gornitzka, Vice-Rector and professor of Political Science at the University of Oslo
  • Vitalba Crivello, Science Policy & Communication Expert at European Science-Media Hub (STOA), DG EPRS at European Parliament
  • Douglas Halliday, Vice-Chair of the UK Council for Graduate Education and Director of the Durham Global Challenges Centre for Doctoral Training
  • Maura Hannon, expert and trainer in the field of communication and writing with focus on digital media space
  • Oriana Bertucci, project manager in the Research Office at the University of Liège in Belgium
  • Denis Billotte, Secrétaire général at Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale – CUSO
  • Brigitte Lehmann, CEO Humboldt Graduate School

The Conference will be hosted on B2Match, which gives you the opportunity to get into 1:1 talks with all participants easily. A Marketplace will be in place for you to share you Initiatives, Project Ideas or just post your questions on Doctoral Education and its developments in our prepared item "What you always wanted to say!".

These Covid times are hard on all of us and we as the PRIDE Network want to give you something back! The Conference will be for FREE!

REGISTER HERE: 3rd Annual PRIDE Conference 

Your PRIDE Network

Association For Professionals in Doctoral Education

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