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2020 Thesis Award: 9 recent PhD graduates honored by UGA






Université Grenoble Alpes has chosen nine Doctors who graduated in 2019 and whose thesis work was judged to be of exceptional quality. Eight academic thesis prizes and one innovation thesis prize were awarded on 19 May 2020. 

On 19 May 2020, the juries for the academic thesis prizes and the innovation thesis prize had the difficult task of picking the winners from candidates who had previously been selected by the 13 doctoral schools of the Université Grenoble Alpes.
Recognition of our PhD students’ scientific excellence

Université Grenoble Alpes has honored nine Doctors who graduated in 2019 and whose thesis work is judged to be of exceptional quality. These awards recognize the excellence of the research carried out by our PhD students in their laboratories.

The prizes fall into 2 categories:

- the academic thesis prizes which were awarded to eight Doctors using criteria of excellence specific to each discipline and represented by the 13 doctoral schools on site;
 - the innovation thesis prize, awarded to a thesis of exceptional quality, both in terms of its results and the candidate's approach to promotion and dissemination. This prize has been in existence since 2018, with this year's jury opening up to companies and territories.

The 8 winners of the Academic Thesis Awards

Louis AUTIN: Voices of the Crowd in Tacitus: Literary and Historical Perspectives on the Collective Communication in the Early Roman Empire

Alberto BIETTI: Foundations of deep convolutional models through kernel methods

Charles KHOURI: Pharmacology of the microcirculation: Raynaud's phenomenon, trophic diseases and pulmonary arterial hypertension

Clémence LEHEC : An experimental geography of art at the borders. To film the Palestinian refugee camp graffitis in Dheisheh

Paul NOËL: Dynamical spin injection and spin to charge current conversion in oxide-based Rashba interfaces and topological insulators

Léa RENARD: A socio-histoire of the statistical construction of otherness: Colonial, national and migratory classification principles in France and Germany (1880-2010)

Stéphanie SHERPA: Colonization history and factors promoting the success of invading populations of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Europe

Riccardo TORCHIO: Extending the Unstructured PEEC Method to Magnetic, Transient, and Stochastic Electromagnetic Problems

Winner of the innovation thesis prize

Victor VIEILLE: Exploration of remote magnetic actuation of small objects: application to lab-on-chip

To know more about the winners, go on the Doctoral College's website!

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